
Welcome to Peliccan Cars - Your Gateway to Comfortable and Reliable Journeys

Embark on a journey of unmatched ease and sophistication with Peliccan Cars, where we redefine the essence of travel. Our commitment extends beyond mere transportation; we are dedicated to ensuring your travel, whether to bustling airports such as Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, Luton, Southend, London City Airport, or towards serene seaports including Harwich, Dover, Tilbury, Southampton, and Portsmouth. Our reach spans the beautiful terrains of England and Wales, ensuring every trip from London is enveloped in comfort and style.

Our Premier Offerings:

Effortless Airport Transfers:

Experience the ease of moving to and from busy airports. Our transfer services cover key air hubs, ensuring timely, reliable, and smooth journeys. Enjoy our signature meet-and-greet service, showcasing our dedication to your satisfaction.

Streamlined Seaport Transfers:

Set off on your sea voyages from ports like Dover and Southampton effortlessly. Our seaport transfers are crafted for your ease, offering a seamless transition from land to sea.

Nationwide Reach:

Journey through England and Wales's stunning landscapes with our extensive minicab services. Whether you prefer scenic routes or direct transfers, we've got all your travel needs covered.

Train Station Connectivity:

Link to major railway stations such as St. Pancras and Kings Cross with our services. Enjoy the comfort of our minicabs, complementing your train travels.

Bus Station Links:

Connecting to key London bus stations like Victoria Bus Station, we ensure your journey is seamless, no matter your destination within the city.

Why Opt for Peliccan Cars?

Client Experiences:

Discover why our customers love the Peliccan Cars experience.

Safety and Comfort Commitment:

Your well-being and comfort are our utmost priorities. Learn about our stringent service standards.


Have queries? We have answers. Visit our ,FAQ section for insights on bookings, pricing, and more.

Book Your Journey Now

Get ready for a comfortable and dependable journey. Book online, contact us via WhatsApp (we're available 24/7), or use our simple booking form to secure your ride today.

Our Latest Blog Posts

Minicab Tours of Britains Iconic Royal Processional Routes and Monuments

Minicab Tours of Britains Iconic Royal Processional Routes and Monuments

Blog about transfer Tours of Britains Iconic Royal Processional Routes and Monuments

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Exploring Britains Traditional Ironworks and Forging Mills by Minicab

Exploring Britains Traditional Ironworks and Forging Mills by Minicab

Blog about Exploring Britains Traditional Ironworks and Forging Mills by transfer

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Minicab Journeys to Britains Iconic Tudor Revival Architecture and Estates

Minicab Journeys to Britains Iconic Tudor Revival Architecture and Estates

Blog about transfer Journeys to Britains Iconic Tudor Revival Architecture and Estates

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From London Airports: Minicab Rides to Britains Spectacular Kite Flying Fields and Competitions

From London Airports: Minicab Rides to Britains Spectacular Kite Flying Fields and Competitions

Blog about From London Airports: transfer Rides to Britains Spectacular Kite Flying Fields and Competitions

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Minicab Tours of Britains Iconic Steam Engine Museums and Heritage Sites

Minicab Tours of Britains Iconic Steam Engine Museums and Heritage Sites

Blog about transfer Tours of Britains Iconic Steam Engine Museums and Heritage Sites

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From London Airports: Minicab Rides to Britains Spectacular Adventure and Theme Parks

From London Airports: Minicab Rides to Britains Spectacular Adventure and Theme Parks

Blog about From London Airports: transfer Rides to Britains Spectacular Adventure and Theme Parks

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Discovering Britains Historic Underground Railways and Mining Tours by Minicab

Discovering Britains Historic Underground Railways and Mining Tours by Minicab

Blog about Discovering Britains Historic Underground Railways and Mining Tours by transfer

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Exploring Britains Traditional Textile Mills and Spinning Workshops by Minicab

Exploring Britains Traditional Textile Mills and Spinning Workshops by Minicab

Blog about Exploring Britains Traditional Textile Mills and Spinning Workshops by transfer

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From London Airports: Minicab Rides to Britains Renowned Kayaking and River Adventure Spots

From London Airports: Minicab Rides to Britains Renowned Kayaking and River Adventure Spots

Blog about From London Airports: transfer Rides to Britains Renowned Kayaking and River Adventure Spots

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Minicab Journeys to Britains Iconic Locomotive Workshops and Railway Yards

Minicab Journeys to Britains Iconic Locomotive Workshops and Railway Yards

Blog about transfer Journeys to Britains Iconic Locomotive Workshops and Railway Yards

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Discovering Britains Historic Bread Making and Bakery Tours by Minicab

Discovering Britains Historic Bread Making and Bakery Tours by Minicab

Blog about Discovering Britains Historic Bread Making and Bakery Tours by transfer

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From London Airports: Minicab Rides to Britains Spectacular Aerial Adventure Parks

From London Airports: Minicab Rides to Britains Spectacular Aerial Adventure Parks

Blog about From London Airports: transfer Rides to Britains Spectacular Aerial Adventure Parks

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Exploring Britains Traditional Thatching Techniques and Thatched Roof Villages by Minicab

Exploring Britains Traditional Thatching Techniques and Thatched Roof Villages by Minicab

Blog about Exploring Britains Traditional Thatching Techniques and Thatched Roof Villages by transfer

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Exploring Britains Traditional Smock Windmills and Grain Processing Techniques by Minicab

Exploring Britains Traditional Smock Windmills and Grain Processing Techniques by Minicab

Blog about Exploring Britains Traditional Smock Windmills and Grain Processing Techniques by transfer

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Minicab Tours of Britains Iconic Ancient Woodlands and Nature Reserves

Minicab Tours of Britains Iconic Ancient Woodlands and Nature Reserves

Blog about transfer Tours of Britains Iconic Ancient Woodlands and Nature Reserves

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Exploring Britains Traditional Tapestry and Embroidery Workshops by Minicab

Exploring Britains Traditional Tapestry and Embroidery Workshops by Minicab

Blog about Exploring Britains Traditional Tapestry and Embroidery Workshops by transfer

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Blogs Pages

Exploring Britains Traditional Lace Making and Embroidery Centers by Minicab

Blog about Exploring Britains Traditional Lace Making and Embroidery Centers by transfer...

A Minicab Trip to Britains Most Famous Public Gardens and Floral Displays

Blog about A transfer Trip to Britains Most Famous Public Gardens and Floral Displays...

Exploring Britains Traditional Candle Making Workshops and Studios by Minicab

Blog about Exploring Britains Traditional Candle Making Workshops and Studios by transfer...

Minicab Journeys to Britains Iconic Artisanal Markets and Craft Fairs

Blog about transfer Journeys to Britains Iconic Artisanal Markets and Craft Fairs...

Minicab Tours of Britains Iconic Ancient Barrows and Burial Mounds

Blog about transfer Tours of Britains Iconic Ancient Barrows and Burial Mounds...

From London Airports: Minicab Rides to Britains Spectacular Hilltop Castles and Forts

Blog about From London Airports: transfer Rides to Britains Spectacular Hilltop Castles and Forts...

Exploring Britains Traditional Haymaking and Rural Farming Techniques by Minicab

Blog about Exploring Britains Traditional Haymaking and Rural Farming Techniques by transfer...

A Minicab Trip to Britains Most Famous Racecourses and Equestrian Events

Blog about A transfer Trip to Britains Most Famous Racecourses and Equestrian Events...

Discovering Britains Historic Coastal Fortifications and Defense Towers by Minicab

Blog about Discovering Britains Historic Coastal Fortifications and Defense Towers by transfer...

From London Airports: Minicab Rides to Britains Renowned Climbing Walls and Outdoor Climbing Areas

Blog about From London Airports: transfer Rides to Britains Renowned Climbing Walls and Outdoor Climbing Areas...

Our Clients Testimonials

Fantastic service

I booked the cab through the web and the driver arrived at a convenient and welcomed me cheerfully. I was a bit late however the driver sat tight for me and realize that there was a slight postponement in flights due to the climate.

star star star star star

Neat and Clean Interior

The interior experience of the cab was amazing.Peliccan Cars use very delightful fragrance.

star star star star star

Good communication

I enjoyed the Peliccan Cars cab driver. He communicated with me in decent manners.

star star star star star


The Peliccan Cars cab provided us with an amazing journey. it was the very fantastic journey along with the Peliccan Cars.

star star star star star

Luxury Services

I booked Peliccan Cars cab. It was very high quality. I enjoyed my journey in a luxurious environment.

star star star star star


The services of the Peliccan Cars cab are satisfactory. I will suggest you use it again.

star star star star star

Good service

The services are so good. You can enjoy Peliccan Cars cab services.  

star star star star star

Pleasant journey

We had a very pleasant journey.       

star star star star star

Excellent services

We use the services of Peliccan Cars cab. These services were excellent

star star star star star

The cab driver was very efficient

The driver guided me when I forgot my route. He briefly explained me. I will say thank you

star star star star star

Good service

I booked the concert ticket online. Next thing was to get a cab for us as a group of 5 travellers. I was told by a friend of mine that Peliccan Cars is the best cab service provider in England. I booked the cab online and when I reached the driver met us nicely.

star star star star star

Reasonable price

I not only enjoyed it, but the price was suitable.              

star star star star star

Good service

I booked the cab and told the Peliccan Cars to make the London city airport the point of a pick as I will be seeing someone there. From there onwards, I booked a cab and the journey was full of stories by my granddad. I will remember this trip forever. Cab service was good as always. We also visited some other famous places.

star star star star star

Good service

There are many cab services but I have been using Peliccan Cars for a long time now, so decided to go with it. I booked the cab using the contact number and the driver came on time and we are off. The whole journey had a lot to offer and we are pleased that the place was beautiful throughout.

star star star star star

Friendly drivers

Very good service! Leo was there on time and was a very friendly driver. Thank you for organizing my booking so efficiently even though I only contacted two days in advance

star star star star star

Good service

I looked on the web and Peliccan Cars showed up on top of the examination. I booked the cab on the web and the driver was there hanging tight for me when I showed up. Welcomed me with a grin and conversed with me pleasantly all through the journey.

star star star star star


Both Peliccan Cars and driver are professionally well trained. And are experts in their work.

star star star star star

Give respect to clients

The Peliccan Cars cab drivers are very professional. They believe in giving respect and taking respect.

star star star star star

Perfect service

I used their service and it was amazing.           

star star star star star


I forgot my valet in Peliccan Cars cab. The driver returns me after two days after contacting such a trustworthy Peliccan Cars.

star star star star star

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can I arrange a chauffeur service with Peliccan Cars for my journey from London Southend Airport ss2 to Collier Row rm5?

Ans. Yes, Peliccan Cars offers chauffeur services for a luxurious and comfortable trip from London Southend Airport ss2 to Collier Row rm5

Q. Can I book a Peliccan Cars minicab for a transfer from Harwich International Cruise Port co12 to Finsbury Estate ec1r?

Ans. Yes, you can book a Peliccan Cars minicab for a convenient transfer from Harwich International Cruise Port co12 to Finsbury Estate ec1r.

Q. Can I arrange a chauffeur service with Peliccan Cars for my journey from London Southend Airport ss2 to Surbiton kt6?

Ans. Yes, Peliccan Cars offers chauffeur services for a luxurious and comfortable trip from London Southend Airport ss2 to Surbiton kt6

Q. Can I arrange a chauffeur service with Peliccan Cars for my journey from London Heathrow Airport tw6 to Rotherhithe se16?

Ans. Yes, Peliccan Cars offers chauffeur services for a luxurious and comfortable trip from London Heathrow Airport tw6 to Rotherhithe se16.

Q. How do I book a Peliccan Cars minicab with child safety seats for my journey from London City Airport e16 to Fulham sw6?

Ans. During the booking process, you can request child safety seats or bring your own seat as well for your Peliccan Cars minicab journey from London City Airport e16 to Fulham sw6.

Q. How much does a Peliccan Cars airport transfer from London Gatwick Airport rh6 to Stanmore ha7 cost, time and miles?

Ans. A Minicab transfer with Peliccan Cars between London Gatwick Airport rh6 to Stanmore ha7, covering a distance of approximately 56 miles, usually takes around 1 hour 36 minutes. The cost for a London Gatwick Airport rh6 to Stanmore ha7 transfer is approximately £66.00* for a standard saloon car, which can accommodate 4 passengers, 2 check-in suitcases, and 2 pieces of hand luggages.

Q. How do I book a Peliccan Cars minicab with child safety seats for my journey from London Southend Airport ss2 to Earls Court sw5?

Ans. During the booking process, you can request child safety seats or bring your own seat as well for your Peliccan Cars minicab journey from London Southend Airport ss2 to Earls Court sw5.

Q. Can I schedule a Peliccan Cars airport transfer for an early morning or late-night arrival at London Gatwick Airport rh6 to St Pancras wc1h?

Ans. Yes, Peliccan Cars operates 24/7, offering airport transfers for early morning or late-night arrivals at London Gatwick Airport rh6 to St Pancras wc1h.

Q. Can I arrange a chauffeur service with Peliccan Cars for my journey from London Stansted Airport cm24 to Abbey Wood se2?

Ans. Yes, Peliccan Cars offers chauffeur services for a luxurious and comfortable trip from London Stansted Airport cm24 to Abbey Wood se2.

Q. How much does a Peliccan Cars Cruise Port transfer from Harwich International Cruise Port co12 to Carnaby Street w1f cost, time and miles?

Ans. A Minicab transfer with Peliccan Cars between Harwich International Cruise Port co12 to Carnaby Street w1f, covering a distance of approximately 86 miles, usually takes around 1 to 45 minutes. The cost for a Harwich International Cruise Port co12 to Carnaby Street w1f transfer is approximately £158 for a standard saloon car, which can accommodate 4 passengers, 2 check-in suitcases, and 2 pieces of hand luggage

Q. Can I book a Peliccan Cars minicab for a transfer from Harwich International Cruise Port co12 to Belmont sm2?

Ans. Yes, you can book a Peliccan Cars minicab for a convenient transfer from Harwich International Cruise Port co12 to Belmont sm2.

Q. Can I schedule a Peliccan Cars airport transfer for an early morning or late-night arrival at London Heathrow Airport tw6 to Langley sl3?

Ans. Yes, Peliccan Cars operates 24/7, offering airport transfers for early morning or late-night arrivals at London Heathrow Airport tw6 to Langley sl3.

Q. Can I schedule a Peliccan Cars airport transfer for an early morning or late-night arrival at London Gatwick Airport rh6 to Tower Hill ec3n?

Ans. Yes, Peliccan Cars operates 24/7, offering airport transfers for early morning or late-night arrivals at London Gatwick Airport rh6 to Tower Hill ec3n.

Q. How do I book a Peliccan Cars minicab with child safety seats for my journey from Cruise Port of Southampton so14 to South Stifford rm20?

Ans. During the booking process, you can request child safety seats or bring your own seat as well for your Peliccan Cars minicab journey from Cruise Port of Southampton so14 to South Stifford rm20.